Laura Entis: Page 2

Laura Entis is a reporter for's Venture section.

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Latest: Page 2

Money & Finance

What Does Retirement Mean When Aging May Soon Be a Thing of the Past?

Longer average life expectancy mean it's time to redefine what comes after we stop working.

Social Media

What Kylie Jenner's Hair Color Can Teach Brands About the Power of Crowdsourcing

The reality TV star let fans pick which shade of blue she should dye her tresses via social media.


If You Want to Remember the Important Stuff, You Need to Ignore the Background Noise

Those with high-capacity working memories are really good at blocking out distracting information, a new study finds.

Business News

We Feel Less Responsible for Acting Badly When Ordered to Do Something

New research attempts to get at the root of why we are so easily persuaded to commit unethical actions when told to do so by another person.


Study: Powerful People Don't Work Well Together

High-ranking individuals underperform when collaborating, according to a new research.