Ray Hennessey: Page 9

Former Editorial Director at Entrepreneur Media

Ray Hennessey is the former editorial director of Entrepreneur.

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Latest: Page 9

Thought Leaders

Why Americans Don't Want to Start New Businesses

New data show new business growth has slowed since 2008. It shouldn't be hard to see why.

Growing a Business

What Will Get Americans Working Again?

The entrepreneurial spirit of the American worker continues to erode, and the policy response is just plain wrong.


How RadiumOne Did the Right Thing in Firing Its CEO

Gurbaksh Chahal assaulted his girlfriend, but firing him took more guts by the board than you think.


Why Are Business Owners Blamed For the Gender Pay Gap?

How many of you have paid someone less because of their gender? Didn't think so.

Science & Technology

What Would Make Mark Cuban 'Combust' If He Ran Box

The billionaire investor is dishing some pointed advice to Box, which he helped get off the ground.

Growing a Business

Supreme Court to Decide Whether Businesses Have Religion

A challenge to Obamacare will decide whether companies are really people, too, and can express religious values.