Kate Taylor: Page 5


Kate Taylor is a reporter at Business Insider. She was previously a reporter at Entrepreneur. Get in touch with tips and feedback on Twitter at @Kate_H_Taylor. 

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Business News

Chipotle Faces Food Poisoning Lawsuits in California and Minnesota

The chain is dealing with the aftermath of separate outbreaks of norovirus and salmonella.


Subway Co-Founder Fred DeLuca Dies at 67

The sandwich entrepreneur opened his first location at just 17.


Giving Back as a Jersey Mike's Franchisee

Cathy Brown was attracted to the sandwich chain in part because of the company's commitment to philanthropy.


Subway Reveals It Did Not Act on a Serious Complaint About Jared Fogle in 2011

The complaint was from a former journalist who also took her concerns to the FBI.


FDA Releases New Anti-Food Poisoning Rules Just as Salmonella Outbreak Reaches 30 States

Separate salmonella outbreaks have been reportedly tied to cucumbers and Chipotle.


Lawmakers Push Back Against NLRB Joint Employer Ruling

Republicans in the House and Senate introduced legislation intended to roll back the Labor Board's broader definition of joint employer.