Geoff Williams: Page 8

Geoff Williams has written for numerous publications, including Entrepreneur, Consumer Reports, LIFE and Entertainment Weekly. He also is the author of Living Well with Bad Credit.

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Latest: Page 8

Business News

Hiring Your First Employee

There comes a time when every entrepreneur can't do it alone anymore. Is it time to find your first employee?

Business News

By Gum! is possible to beat everyone--even big companies--to market, as this entrepreneur found out.

Business News

Pet Projects

Cats and dogs and babies, oh my! It's just another day at the office for these entrepreneurs.

Business News

Special Opps

U.S. entrepreneurs are serving others in Iraq--and making a living in the process.

Science & Technology

How 3 Entrepreneurs Triumphed on eBay

Not all eBay entrepreneurs are alike. Meet 3 business owners who took very different paths to achieve their business dreams.

Business News

No Excuses!

Starting a business can be scary, but don't let fear hold you back. These entrepreneurs had plenty of reasons not to go into business, but they did anyway--and you can, too.