Andrea Huspeni: Page 10

Founder of This Dog's Life

Andrea Huspeni is the former special projects director at and the founder of This Dog's Life.

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Have a Burning Business Question? Ask Our PR Expert: Lindsey Groepper.

She is looking to take your questions PR, brand messaging, marketing and advertising.

Business News

Erin Andrews in Tears After It Was Revealed Nearly 17 Million People Watched Nude Video of Her

A computer expert testified that millions of people have watched a video of Andrews undressing at the Nashville Marriott back in 2008.

Business News

Erin Andrews Breaks Down During Dad's Testimony in $75 Million Civil Suit

The TV host and reporter was in tears while listening to her father tell jurors how much his daughter was affected by a stalker videotaping her nude and posting the clip in online.

Business News

Erin Andrews vs. Nashville Marriott: Inside the $75 Million Peephole Lawsuit

In 2008, the then-ESPN reporter took a road trip that turned into a nightmare. She now wants justice in a civil lawsuit against the hotel chain.


Have a Burning Business Question? Ask Our Branding Expert: Laura Ries.

Laura Ries is looking to take your questions on branding, positioning, design and marketing.


Have a Burning Business Question? Ask the Expert: Tax Pro David McKeegan.

While taxes may not be fun, they are a necessity for all businesses. McKeegan is looking to take your questions on preparation, mistakes, planning and more.