Antonio Neves: Page 2

Workplace Engagement Speaker, Award-Winning Journalist and Author

Antonio Neves is the author of Stop Living on Autopilot, host of The Best Thing podcast and an internationally recognized speaker.


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Business News

3 Tips for Landing Press for Your Startup

Business coach Antonio Neves offers his top tips for landing the media's attention -- and putting your startup in the spotlight.

Business News

3 Ways to Determine If Your Startup Is Ready for Press

While most young entrepreneurs want to grab the spotlight, few are really ready to handle it. Here, business coach Antonio Neves ticks off three must-have ingredients before your startup is ready for prime time.

Business News

3 Ways to Increase Your Confidence -- And Build Your Business

While having a stellar business idea is a huge part of the startup puzzle, conveying your idea confidently will help you piece it all together. Business coach Antonio Neves tells you how to inject some swagger into your pitch.

Business News

3 Reasons to Ditch Your Social Networks to Really Network

Social media may be second nature, but if you really want to connect, you'll have to leave the office or pick up the phone. Business coach Antonio Neves offers some choice networking tips.

Business News

Stop Saying 'I'm Sorry:' 3 Reasons Why Apologizing Prevents Progress

It's just not helpful to say you're sorry. Instead, focus on the problem and how to prevent it from happening again, suggests business coach Antonio Neves.

Business News

How Informational Meetings Can Expand Your Network and Influence

Want to network and bone up on the industry you're hoping to launch into? Business coach Antonio Neves offers some tips for how to master the art of informational meetings.