Carly Okyle: Page 17

Assistant Editor, Contributed Content

Carly Okyle is an assistant editor for contributed content at

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Latest: Page 17

Business News

Taylor Swift Tops the Charts With This Surprising 8-Second 'Single'

Silence speaks louder than words, and static sells more records than a song.


10 Awesome Tips for Being a Better Leader

There's always room for improvement, and this advice can help get you going in the right direction.


7 Hilarious Videos That Make Fun of Office Culture

Anyone who's ever worked in an office can undoubtedly relate.

Business News

Comcast Apparently Gets Customer Fired, Breaks Every Rule of Business

This may be the most outrageous example of bad customer service you'll ever hear.


Discovering of Brain's GPS Takes Home Nobel Prize in Medicine

John O'Keefe, Mary-Britt Moser and Edvard Moser discovered place and grid cells, which help us navigate space and build mental maps of our surroundings – a major breakthrough for Alzheimer's research.

Social Media

Why Twitter Is Handing Over Your Tweets to MIT

MIT's Laboratory for Social Machines now has access to every public tweet ever made...for research, of course.