Carly Okyle: Page 7

Assistant Editor, Contributed Content

Carly Okyle is an assistant editor for contributed content at

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Latest: Page 7

Thought Leaders

Meet Kenny Dichter, the 'Kevin Bacon' of Entrepreneurship

The man behind Wheels Up, Marquis Jet and Tequila Avion proves that networking is everything.


This Man Is Paving His Road to Success as a SealMaster Franchisee

The pavement products and equipment franchise is running smoothly for Darrel Stein.


The Top 20 Fast-Food Franchises of 2016

Where does your favorite chain rank?

Social Media

7 Social Media Fails So Disastrous, They Shocked the Experts

Here's why it's best to think before posting.


George R. R. Martin Misses Latest Book Deadline, Internet Forgives

The 'Game of Thrones' television show has now outpaced its source materials.


Other People's Trash Is How This Franchisee Makes His Treasure

Ed Stripay is going green -- and seeing green -- with his Junk King franchise.