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Business News

Attacking a Loan

7 knock-'em-dead strategies to use when negotiating with hard-nosed commercial bankers

Business News

Bootstrapping Your Startup

No, you don't need investors to start your dream business. Here's how to make it happen with your own money.

Business News

Spinoff Doctors

VC firm frees and rehabilitates small tech firms languishing inside large companies.


Go for the Gold

Maybe you've planned it since day one, or maybe you've taken years to decide. Now that the time has come to sell your business, find out what you can do to make sure you can come out on top.

Business News

Paying Your Dues

If you're looking for investor money, brace yourself for a rigorous due-diligence process.

Money & Finance

The Other Colors of Money

If banks and VCs are out of your financial picture, don't despair. These 3 alternative sources of capital could provide the funding you're looking for.