Grant Cardone: Page 2

International Sales Expert & $1.78B Real Estate Fund Manager

Grant Cardone is an internationally-renowned speaker on sales, leadership, real-estate investing, entrepreneurship and finance whose five privately held companies have annual revenues exceeding $300 million.

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Latest: Page 2

Growing a Business

Your Odds of Succeeding Improve When You Create a Success Plan

People seldom achieve anything significant by stumbling around day to day.

Growing a Business

12 Kinds of Sales Prospects and Why You Need to Create a List for Each One

You turn prospects into customers by talking with them, so get on the phone.

Growing a Business

You'll Find the Best Leads in That CRM Software Nobody Is Really Using

Quit making introductory offers to strangers and start engaging with past customers happy they did business with you.

Growing a Business

Don't Take Advice From Quitters

Ignore people who tell you to take it easy. They don't understand your goals.

Growing a Business

You Have to Pay the Price to Achieve Success

You can dream in bed but you can only make dreams come true out in the world.

Buying / Investing in Business

What the Bitcoin Drop Means for Your Financial Stability

Bitcoin is a thrilling investment. Trouble is, investing should be boring.