Jason Fell: Page 3

VP, Native Content

Jason Fell is the VP of Native Content, managing the Entrepreneur Partner Studio, which creates dynamic and compelling content for our partners. He previously served as Entrepreneur.com's managing editor and as the technology editor prior to that.

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Latest: Page 3

Science & Technology

Here's Navdy, a New Gadget That Can Make Your Old Car Smart

A hands-on review of a device that allows you to get directions and receive messages projected onto a transparent screen on your dash.

Science & Technology

Netflix Has a Solution for Annoying Trick-or-Treaters

This DIY doorbell gives kids all the treats they need without you ever having to leave the couch.

Science & Technology

Soon, the Floor in Your House Could Be Your Next Energy Source

The 'Electric Slide' apparently has new meaning now thanks to science.

Business News

Hey, Let's Go for a Walk on Mars

Thanks to the power of VR, you can -- more or less.

Science & Technology

3 Easy Ways to Go on a Digital Diet

Here's how to shed a few hours staring at your screen without going crazy.

Science & Technology

A Flying Food Tray That Follows You Wherever You Go? Sure. Why Not.

Red Sox slugger David Ortiz wants you to check out his jerky drone.