Jennifer Wang: Page 10

Writer and Content Strategist

Jennifer Wang is a Los Angeles-based journalist and content strategist who works at a startup and writes about people in startups. Find her at

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Latest: Page 10

Business News

Strokes of Genius

Whether it's a scapegoat or a block of metal you hit until it becomes a chair, there's something genius in each of these.

Science & Technology

Dale Carnegie, the App

Secrets of Success app breaks down the core Carnegie leadership principles

Growing a Business

What Summer Vacation?

The places people work when they work on vacation


In Search of the Truth

What should you do if an employee is lying to you?


He's Got the World on a String

A former Wall Street analyst spins his yo-yo passion into a million-dollar-plus business.

Operations & Logistics

Learning to Travel Light

No need to cough up the latest airline baggage fee. Here's how to stuff an entire business trip under the seat.