John Arnold: Page 2

Marketing consultant and author

John Arnold is a marketing strategist and author offering practical marketing tips and advice to B2B companies. Connect with him at 

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How to Target Your Message to Find Customers

Small businesses don't need a data crunching geek squad to identify and reach more qualified groups of customers. Consider the following strategy.

Social Media

Don't Ignore the Easiest Place to Find Customers

Here's how to turn your current customers into your best customers.


How to Boost Traffic to Your Listing on Google Maps

Google Boost puts a local twist on pay-per-click advertising.


Running Display Ads with Google Gets Easier

Add logos, pictures, and rich media to your pay-per-click strategy.


Three Steps to Start a Mobile Coupon Strategy

A solid promotion plan can attract buyers and help create lasting customer relationships.


10 Trends for Online Marketers in 2011

A look at the latest technology tools that will influence how you reach customers.