John Williams: Page 2

John Williams is the founder and president of, the world's first do-it-yourself logo design website. During John's 25 years in advertising, he's created brand standards for Fortune 100 companies like Mitsubishi and won numerous awards for his design work.

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Business News

Living Your Brand

Take a look at who you are and how you want to represent your brand--and live it every day--to make yourself your #1 asset.


The Art of Rebranding

Update a tired brand or create an entirely new identity with a smart rebranding strategy.


The ABCs of Business Cards

5 tips for creating a professional business card that leaves a lasting impression.


Using Your Logo in Memorable Ways

So you've created a logo. Now what? Get it out there with these 5 creative ways to get your logo noticed.


Name Your Business in 3 Easy Steps

First impressions are everything, so here's how to choose a name your customers will bond with.


Is it Time to Broaden Your Branding Horizon?

Know the risks and rewards of extending your brand before you put your name on the line.