Baby Boomers: Page 2

Business News

Gen Z Workers Say Boomer Employees Are 'Tech-Shaming' Them: 'It Makes Me Feel Silly'

They might be able to film and edit TikToks with ease, but don't ask them how to use a printer.

Growing a Business

How to Create a Hybrid Work Environment That Works for All Generations

Employers can successfully create a hybrid environment that benefits all employees by focusing on collaboration, flexibility, and a shared understanding of what hybrid means for the organization.


People Are Starting to Get Really Annoyed by 'Quiet Quitting'

What started off as a form of quiet rebellion has now become a insufferable nuisance, a new survey finds.

Business News

3 Ways to Prepare Yourself for the Great Wealth Transfer

We have officially entered the largest wealth transfer period in history. Here are three key ways to prepare yourself for the Great Wealth Transfer and improve your financial position.

Business News

'They Don't Know What Work Actually Means': Manager Fired After Posting Rant Against Gen Z on Front Door

A Dollar Tree in Indiana is going viral after a strongly worded hiring notice was plastered to the front door of the store.


'No saben lo que realmente significa el trabajo': el gerente fue despedido después de publicar una diatriba contra la generación Z en la puerta principal

Un Dollar Tree en Indiana se está volviendo viral después de que un aviso de contratación fuertemente redactado fuera pegado en la puerta principal de la tienda.


Según un estudio hecho en el Reino Unido los mayores de 55 años no están conformes con la manera en que son representados en la publicidad

Se trata de un importante segmento de la población con poder adquisitivo que es prácticamente ignorado por las campañas publicitarias.

Business News

According to a study carried out in the United Kingdom, those over 55 are not satisfied with the way they are represented in advertising

This is an important segment of the population with purchasing power that is practically ignored by advertising campaigns.


Why Every Leader Could Benefit From Adopting a Gen Z Mindset

From the Great Resignation to extreme weather events, our global state is demanding a new type of leadership.


Por qué todos los líderes podrían beneficiarse de la adopción de una mentalidad de generación Z

Desde la Gran Resignación hasta los fenómenos meteorológicos extremos, nuestro estado global exige un nuevo tipo de liderazgo.

Growing a Business

If You're Not Marketing to Older People, Your Business Is Missing Out Big Time

The silver economy is one dominated by the buying power of elderly people, and new businesses need to pay attention to this thriving, growing demographic if they want to maximize revenues.


Si no está comercializando para personas mayores, su negocio se está perdiendo mucho

La economía plateada está dominada por el poder adquisitivo de las personas mayores, y las nuevas empresas deben prestar atención a este próspero y creciente grupo demográfico si quieren maximizar los ingresos.

Resumes & Interviewing

This Is What You Need to Know About Age Discrimination in the Workplace

Even in a tight labor market, older workers face continued age discrimination.


Esto es lo que necesita saber sobre la discriminación por edad en el lugar de trabajo

Incluso en un mercado laboral restringido, los trabajadores mayores se enfrentan a una discriminación constante por edad.

Science & Technology

Will Stores Without Cashiers Become Our New Reality?

Hybrid shopping models implemented by Amazon reveal what a future without cashiers looks like.