College Entrepreneurs: Page 8


Ivory Tower Research and Startup Innovation Are Two Sides of a Coin

Professors doing original research and entrepreneurs looking for the next great innovation have much in common.

Business News

Think College Is Expensive Now? Wait Until July 1.

Interest rates on federal student loans are set to rise again.


Want to Start a Business Fresh Out of College? Try Freelancing First.

While being an entrepreneur can be thought of as a sexy career path, it can be tough. To test the waters, start out freelancing.


What These Influential Leaders Want to Tell Today's 22-Year-Olds

Richard Branson, Deepak Chopra and other LinkedIn Influencers look back at themselves at 22 to offer advice to this year's group of college graduates.

Thought Leaders

How I Found Success by Age 30

For our series The Grind, young entrepreneur Jason Lucash opens up about hitting the 30-year-old milestone and what advice he has for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Starting a Business

Growing Big From a Small Start

This entrepreneur started selling study guides from his dorm room but explains that why and where you begin is less important than the clarity of your vision and inspiring people to dream the future as you do.

Business News

The Best College Graduation Speeches Ever

From Bill Gates to Stephen Colbert, a look at the speakers who gave the most memorable commencement speeches.


5 Key Characteristics Every Entrepreneur Should Have

If you're aspiring to start your own company, see how many of these vital personality traits you possess.

Starting a Business

Why College Students Need to Be Entrepreneurial With Their Careers

Here are five ways students can think more like an entrepreneur, and how doing so can improve your chances for professional success.

Thought Leaders

Student Startup: Why College Is the Perfect Time to Launch a Business

You are stressed, busy and broke. Of course it is the perfect time to start a company.

Thought Leaders

How to Overcome the Myths of Entrepreneurship

With a new startup popping up every day, many people have formed stereotypes of what entrepreneurship entails. Here are a few misconceptions about the entrepreneurial journey and how to overcome them.

Thought Leaders

3 Ways to Overcome the Liability of Youth

Here are some strategies to make sure your age doesn't work against your business.


Business Schools Should be Transformed to Drive Entrepreneurism

Universities should empower students with the skills to push an idea through to implementation.

Thought Leaders

The Secret Entrepreneurial Lessons of a Liberal Arts Education

It turns out, the basic college degree is worth more than it seems.

Business News

Should I Quit Engineering and Study Business?

While skills are important for business owners, so is personality. Our expert helps this college student understand the traits that great entrepreneurs need.