Customer Research: Page 2

Starting a Business

Answer These 7 Questions Before Starting Your Side Business

Take stock of the assets you have and create a realistic plan to define your purpose, gather resources and develop market insights.


How to Target the Right Audience in 5 Simple Steps

Instead of trying to succeed by marketing to everyone, define your target audience.


How to Ask Survey Questions for Maximum Marketing Benefit

A well-crafted survey of your customers is the best method businesses have for learning what they are doing well and what they can improve.


3 Ways to Read Your Customers' Minds

Try these scrappy ways to gather intelligence and write sales copy that prospects can't resist


Why Are You Still Risking Millions on Your Intuition?

Sophisticated algorithms can ensure sampling is done accurately for your market research.

Data & Recovery

Why Data Is Gold for Retailers Looking to Grow

From choosing a location to understanding your customer base, market insights from data analysis are key to your success.

Science & Technology

The Problem With Polls Isn't the Lies Respondents May Tell

The real deal-breaker with surveys is bad questions. Here's how to collect customer data that will yield honest results.

Business News

All About Buyer Personas: What They Are, Why You Need Them and How to Make Them Effective

Industry leaders encourage constructing buyer personas. Here's what you need to know about them.


The Only True Way to Become a Marketing Genius

Whatever the strategy, whatever the product, whatever the decision, test it and let the the results guide you to success.


8 Common Ways Small Businesses Waste Money Marketing

Nobody sets out to waste the marketing budget but that's the result of unknowingly using ineffective tactics.


How to Navigate the River of Marketing Data

Don't drown while your competitors have taken command of their marketing data using these tricks.


10 Ways to Get Into Your Customers' Heads Beyond Creating Buyer Personas

Buyer personas have one major weakness: they're completely made up. They're a good start, but try these tactics as well.


Don't Overlook the Sales Power of Knowing Your Audience

Do your due diligence research and communicate what you know so you can create a platform for building a long-term relationship.

Thought Leaders

There Are People You Need to Consult Before Taking the Entrepreneurial Leap

You need a clear idea of what you're getting into and so does everybody who will have to go along for the ride.

Starting a Business

Craft Brewers: This Is What Your Customers Want

Knowing who's buying craft beers will help you market to your target audience.