finding a job

Resumes & Interviewing

Increase your Odds of Landing a Job with these 9 Tips from an Executive Search Professional

Competition for talent is tougher than ever. These tips for outreach, increasing visibility and how to best network may help you land your next role.

Resumes & Interviewing

Lead Generation Is Easier with This Resume Writer

This AI-assisted tool can help you create fully optimized resumes, portfolios, and cover letters.

Growing a Business

How to Quit a Job Without Burning Bridges

Follow these tips for a graceful and professional exit from your company.

Resumes & Interviewing

3 Ways to Optimize Your Resume for Job Search Sites

When it comes to making a resume, break through the clutter with these helpful tips.

Thought Leaders

Why Are Reference Letters Important for Getting a Job?

Reference letters carry a fair amount of weight in the hiring process. Learn how they can give you the edge you need in a competitive job market.

Growing a Business

How to Write a Cover Letter That Gets You an Interview

Make your cover letter stand out with these simple tips.

Resumes & Interviewing

This Resumé Builder Can Help You Land a Job While You Build Your Company

Make ATS-aligned resumés, cover letters, portfolios, and more.

Thought Leaders

To Ace a Job Interview, Master This Type of Pitch

A lot of well-intended job-hunting advice focuses on preparing a job seeker to answer questions about themselves. That's only a piece of a complete strategy.


Parents: 3 Tips to Guide Your College Graduate This Summer

The first is to accept failure as "the new normal."