
Science & Technology

This Handy Wand Adds Another Line of Defense Against Germs

It's a chemical-free way to rid your home of germs, viruses, and bacteria.

Science & Technology

This UV Sanitizer Can Keep Your Phone and Other Small Items Next-Level Clean

Protect yourself from the items you handle every day.

Science & Technology

Want Peace of Mind? Sanitize Everything With This Portable UV-C Wand.

Just give it a wave across any surface and germs will have met their match.

Business News

Study Says Jet-Drying Technology Spreads Infectious Agents Further Than Paper Towels

Those air dryers aren't as sanitary as you think.

Business News

Germaphobes, Rejoice! Boeing Creates Airplane Bathroom That Cleans Itself.

By killing germs, the method also keeps the stall from smelling like a truck-stop urinal.

Health & Wellness

Study: Single-Cup Coffee Makers Brew Lots of Germs, Too

Wake up and smell the bacteria. Read on to learn how to clean your office's communal machine.


Microsoft Wants to Clean Up Your Germ-Infested Smartphone Screen

Fact: Your little talk box is crawling with gobs of toxic crud. Microsoft aims to kill those bugs dead. Here's how.