iPad: Page 3

Business News

How to Turn Off or Customize Notifications in iOS

Want to silence or adjust those iPhone, iPad or Apple Watch alerts? Here's how.

Business News

How to Use Your iPhone or iPad to Help You See Better

The Magnify and Zoom features on iOS can help you better see real objects and your screen.

Business News

How to Free Up Space on Your iPhone or iPad

Is the storage full on your iOS device? Here's how to figure out what's taking up the most space so you can decide what to delete.

Business News

How iOS 11 Brings Steve Jobs's Vision for the iPad to Life

Three features coming in iOS 11 could change the way I work on the road, and bring to life a vision Steve Jobs had for the iPad back in 2010.

Business News

iPad Pro Is the Fastest Tablet Ever

The A10X Fusion is the most powerful processor we've ever tested; it's significantly faster than Qualcomm's latest chipset.

Business News

iPad Pro Gets a Bigger Screen, But Comes at a High Price

This fall, iOS 11 will also bring additional multi-tasking capabilities, like drag and drop.

Growth Strategies

5 Challenges for Apple as it Aims at a Bigger Bite of India - 'The Place To Be'

Apple India said its in 2015-16 sales increased 56 percent from INR 6,472 crore a year before.


7 Creative, Marvelous and Downright Weird Ways People Paid Tribute to Steve Jobs

From 'Cheese Jobs' to 'Hello Stevie,' Apple fanboys and girls have immortalized Cupertino, Calif.'s 'Billion Dollar Hippie' in some curious and quirky ways.


Top 5 Jailbreak Tweaks for Entrepreneurs

From downloadable Snapchat, delayed messages to a universal file manager - here are the best tweaks out there


The Heavyweight: Apple's New iPad Pro

iPad Pro is outfitted with a 64-bit A9X chip that rivals most portable PCs, along with a four-speaker audio system, a 12 megapixel iSight camera for shooting live photos, 4K video, and a five megapixel front HD camera.

Business News

A Look Back at Apple as it Celebrates its 40th Anniversary

There were no fools sitting in that garage in California on April 1, 1976, when Apple was founded.

Business News

Apple Strikes Huge Deal With Major League Baseball

Instead of the usual paper notes, coaches and managers will now use a 12.9-inch iPad pre-loaded with a custom software called 'MLB Dugout.'


A Smart Digital Marketer

Smart is when you can track all your competitors' digital marketing strategies at one place in one go. TrackMaven empowers you with that.


Pennsylvania Woman Drops Corporate Career to Open an iDropped Repair Shop

Dawn Heller was drawn to the iDropped franchise because of its quick turn-around time and her own background in technology and business.