iPhone 6 Plus

Business News

iPhone 6 Owners Sue Apple Over 'Touch Disease'

The alleged design defect has left hundreds of iPhones unresponsive to physical contact.


What's Exciting in iOS 10? Abseloutely Nothing

Apple has once again disappointed users with no change that actually impacts usage at all


This iPhone Glitch Makes Your iPhone Feel Much Faster

This glitch takes less than a minute to speed up your iPhone for free- without a jailbreak or software. And it's reversible.


Anyone can permanently brick your iDevice: Here's how to protect yourself

It will take less than 3 seconds for anyone to brick your iDevice, even as a cruel prank. Be warned!

Business News

Apple Will Fix the Busted Camera on Your iPhone 6 Plus

Customers who bought phones between September 2014 and January 2015 can get their back-of-phone cameras fixed for free.


iPhone 6 Problem Leaves Customers Bent Out of Shape

Some customers have had problems with iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus bending from being kept in pockets.