Listening: Page 4


How to Build Effective Communication as a Leader?

Imbibe communication skills to become an exemplary leader for the employees

Employee Experience & Recruiting

Losing Employees to Clients or Competitors? Culture Is the Secret to Retaining Them.

Smart companies recruit and retain top talent by using these four culture-related strategies.

Thought Leaders

Are You Really Listening? 7 Barriers to Listening Effectively.

Being present and really listening to what others have to say takes patience and practice.


16 Characteristics of Critical Thinkers

Intuition is trustworthy after you have probed deeper to gain information and insight.


18 Ways to Showcase Your Intelligence

Geniuses can afford to be eccentric, but the merely smart need to look like they are.


Stop Interrupting and Listen to the Question

Not letting the questioner finish makes you look hasty or lacking in confidence.


15 Traits That Set Influential People Apart

Influential leaders spark change for the better.


The More You Talk, the Less They Listen

To stand out, say less.


8 Communication Tactics to Eliminate Wasting Time at Work

Listening is the best way to get your point across.

Making a Change

12 Actions You Can Take to Become a Better Person and a Better Leader

Leadership has little to do with dominance and a great deal to do with understanding the problems and motivations of other people.

Thought Leaders

Steven Jobs's Wisdom Lives On

Here is what a crypto PR specialist learned from the most iconic American entrepreneur of our time.


As Your Company Scales, You'll Need to Listen More Than Speak

Pay attention to those closest to your customers' problems.


Practice This Important Skill to Get Your Way Every Day

Listening is a powerful tool to deepen trust and understanding.


Yes, It's Possible to Have a 100 Percent CEO-Approval Rating on Glassdoor

Want that rating for yourself? Think about transparency, stewardship of your office culture and really, really good listening skills.


Effective Communication Is Something You Learn, Not Something You're Born With

Listening actively and expressing thoughts clearly are hard-earned, high-level skills.