Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Meet Gully Boy Turned Scientist Who Made it to The Entrepreneur India's 35U35 List

Know what made this 23-year-old from Faridabad bag the coveted Gifted Citizen Prize in 2016

News and Trends

The Big Difference Between IITs and MIT

How IITs can become MIT and what is the need of this change?

Business News

Marvin Minsky, AI Pioneer, Dies at 88

The MIT professor invented vital research equipment and consulted on Stanley Kubrick's '2001: A Space Odyssey.'

Business News

MIT Researchers Built a Chip That Could Bring Night Vision to Cars, Phones

New graphene-based sensors could one day be integrated into car windshields and other everyday products.

Science & Technology

This New Invention Could Get That Last Drop of Toothpaste Out of the Tube

At MIT, scientists have created a coating that will turn the inside of almost any package into a non-stick surface.

Social Media

Why Twitter Is Handing Over Your Tweets to MIT

MIT's Laboratory for Social Machines now has access to every public tweet ever made...for research, of course.