Meetings: Page 5

Science & Technology

Organize Your Office More Efficiently With This Room-Booking Solution

'Joan' eliminates the scourge of double-booked conference rooms and meeting conflicts.

Business News

Google Translate App to Transcribe and Translate in Real Time

The work will be done on Google's servers, not your phone, but this will make the Google Translate app even more useful.

Business News

Run More Efficient, Productive Meetings With Pinstriped

This specialized tool can cut down on wasted time.

Science & Technology

Make Screencasting for Demos and Meetings a Dream with HyperCam 5

This low-cost, easy-to-use software lets you record screen actions, video, and sound being played back on PC or webcam.


How to Run Meetings That Won't Put Everyone to Sleep

Meetings are indispensable, except when they are a complete waste of everyone's time.

Science & Technology

Make Your Presentations Pop With Slideshop

Whip up fast, effective presentations with a lifetime subscription to Slideshop's templates.

Growing a Business

5 Ways That Major Companies Invigorate Their Meetings

Company meetings are at the core of a well-run business. Make yours as effective as possible.

Science & Technology

These 53,000 Design Templates Can Give Your Presentations a Big Upgrade

A silver membership to PoweredTemplate can take your slideshows from 'meh' to 'wow.'

Science & Technology

Save Big on the Presentation Tool Used by Coca-Cola and Starbucks

Powtoon is user-friendly software that creates powerful presentations for marketing, training, and more.

Growth Strategies

Five Mistakes that Hinder Employee Engagement

Knowing how to engage employees requires a careful understanding of what employees value in your organization and amplifying it


14 Things Ridiculously Successful People Do Every Day

Check out this list of the unique habits of some of the world's most successful people, then try them and see where they take you.


#6 Ways To Calm Yourself Before Giving A Big Presentation Or Talk

Let yourself loose and battle that anxiety with these simple tips before stepping into the boardroom for a meeting

Growing a Business

Starting With an Agenda Is How You Have Effective Meetings in a Crazy Busy World

No organization can function without meetings but most would function better if the meetings were more organized.

Growing a Business

Why the Remote Meetings of the Future Will Be Face-to-Face

The future of business networking may vary dramatically from the in-person interactions we're used to.


Top Four Apps For Busy Entrepreneurs To Record Notes On The Go

From Bill Gates to Tim Ferris, every big entrepreneur has one quirky note-taking habit