
Thought Leaders

How to Make the Most of In-Person Gatherings for Remote and Hybrid Teams

Encourage meaningful interactions and draw more value from in-person experiences.

Business News

Stop the Meeting Madness: 19 Ways to Make Your Meetings Matter

Each of us has been there at some point in our lives. We’re stuck in what seems to be an endless, pointless meeting, fidgeting in our seats, wondering what could...

Growing a Business

Your Employees Hate Meetings — Follow These 11 Tips for More Productive Check-Ins

Make your one-on-ones more meaningful. Follow these tips and best practices for productive meetings that develop your team.


It's Time to Retire Jeff Bezos' 2-Pizza Rule for Meetings — Here's Why.

Meetings are essential in the workplace, but they desperately need revitalization — and Jeff Bezos' two-pizza rule, focusing on small groups for efficiency, may not suit the dynamics of today's diverse workplaces.


How to Deliver a Virtual Meeting with Confidence

Today there is an endless stream of virtual meetings. Many of them terrible. That's right. Terrible. Often it is not the content. It is the delivery and the virtual "stage."

Business News

Jeff Bezos Describes His Perfect Meeting

Your PowerPoint skills won't impress him much.

Business News

How to Have Shorter, More Focused Meetings

Despite being an essential part of work life, meetings can also be time-consuming. In fact, Atlassian found that employees spend 31 hours a month in unproductive meetings. That’s a lot...


Companies Spend More Than $37 Billion Each Year on Unnecessary Meetings — Use These 5 Tips to Make Sure Yours Are Worth Attending.

Now more than ever before, we're in a meeting overload, spending countless hours on calls and in brainstorming sessions with our colleagues, only to get nothing done. Here are five ways to make your meetings more efficient.


Body Language Is Powerful — Make Any of These 4 Mistakes, and You're Silently Sabotaging Your Interactions

You could be sending the wrong message without realizing it — here's how to stop.


'This Meeting Could've Been an Email': How to Know When a Meeting Is Really Necessary

Instead of having your employees dread meetings, create a dynamic session for them so they can feel their time is being valued by learning the five Ps of productive meetings.


Your Meeting Culture Needs to Change — This Strategy Can Improve Your Team Dynamics With Less Work and Time

Meetings are boring for nearly everyone involved. Here's how to change the culture of your meetings.

Science & Technology

Read the Minutes of Any Meeting With This Speech-to-Text AI, Only $59.99 for Life

Score an AI that can transcribe live speech.


Do the Same People Always Talk at Your Meetings? Ask Yourself These 10 Questions to Make Meetings More Productive

Meetings that do not have a unique purpose, warrant debate or specific action item decisions are not inclusive — and therefore tend to be unproductive. Here's how to make sure you're making the most of your meeting time.


Why Meeting Culture is Draining your Employee's Strength and Productivity

Is your company culture spiraling into a meeting vortex? Here's how to take control and give your teams time to process information after meetings.