Nashville: Page 3

Business News

Finding Customers Ahead of a Startup Launch

Lining up buyers in advance of launch can be challenging for a new company. But finding the right ones--and capitalizing on them--can go a long way toward ensuring early success.

Business News

How an Art Gallery Created an Online Store for Social Shopping

Moontoast's digital platform helps affinity brands like Nashville's Arts Company translate Facebook fan fervor into online revenue.

Growing a Business

A Roadie Business: Teaching Bus Drivers to the Stars

A Nashville school trains people to get behind the wheel and shuttle rock entertainers to their next gig.

Franchise 500 Annual Ranking

The Top 10 Franchises of 2011

Welcome a new No. 1 and the return of an American institution.

Business Ideas

Steer Clear of Work-at-Home Scams

Desperate job seekers are becoming victims of classic and freshly minted schemes. Know what to look for.

Thought Leaders

In Business With Breast Cancer

These 4 women entrepreneurs survived breast cancer and their businesses did, too.