
"Me niego a dejar que Twitter cierre antes de compartir este tuit": Tampax se está volviendo viral por un descarado tweet

Los problemas técnicos en Twitter tienen a la gente (y a las marcas) posteando sus borradores y parece que Tampax se había estado guardando este por un tiempo.

Business News

Consumer Goods Giant to Raise Prices on More Staples, Blames Increase in Cost on Raw Materials

Procter & Gamble Co. said it would begin to charge more for oral care, beauty, and razors. Earlier this year, Procter & Gamble said it would charge more for toilet paper and diapers.

News and Trends

Consumers' Consuming Pattern and Their Demographic Growth Helps To Identify Future Products: Leigh Radford

According to her, China's middle class and aging population is a big area of focus

Science & Technology

Meet Swash, a $500 Garment-Refreshing Machine to Delay Dry Cleaning

The stigmas surrounding re-wearing clothes -- especially among business people with capsule wardrobes -- are significantly lessening, maker Procter & Gamble said.

Growing a Business

Century-Old Businesses: Their Secrets to Success

It's getting harder to reach 100. We explain what's worked.