Positivity: Page 2

Growing a Business

4 Ways to Adopt and Maintain a Growth Mindset Even During a Recession

If you can adopt and maintain a growth mindset during a recession, you will come out the other side stronger and more prepared to take on whatever challenges come your way. Here's how to do it.


4 Ways a Leader's Mindset Affects the Office Environment

As a leader, your mindset affects the tone and attitudes of everyone in the office. Let's look at four key areas that are heavily impacted by a leader's mindset.


Want to Level Up Your Success? Follow these 4 rules

The amount of money you make doesn't determine your level of success as an entrepreneur. Your authority does. Start implementing these four strategies to see how your business and mindset improve.


How to Harness The Power of Positive Thinking for Personal and Business Growth

Your thoughts have immense power over your reality. Learn how to control and utilize them for entrepreneurial success.


6 Ways to Stay Positive Through Crisis and Show Your Team You're in This Together

It's easy these days to feel discouraged about the state of the world, but negativity can hamper your much-needed productivity. Here are six tips on how to stay positive and motivated despite a confusing economy and frightening global events.


7 Tips for Being More Positive at Home and in the Office

Practicing positivity can improve your wellness at home and in the office. Here are seven ways to do it.


7 Ways to Create Confidence, Power and Power Momentum

It takes guts to stand up for what you believe in, especially when nobody else does. How to be unafraid of navigating new possibilities.


4 Ways to Build a More Positive Mindset

Don't let negative factors impact you, your leadership, or your business.

Thought Leaders

5 CEO Confidence Hacks to Unleash Your Inner Badass

If you struggle to take action or are otherwise hesitating to move things forward, try these leadership tips to jump-start success.


Why Leaders with Disabilities Bring a Secret Weapon to the Negotiating Table

When it comes to being a business leader with a disability, rather than feeling insecure about your limitations, take advantage of three character traits you have developed as a result of overcoming obstacles and use them to effectively negotiate.

Thought Leaders

4 Signs Financial Trauma Is Holding You Back, and How to Regain Control

Learned negative feelings and behaviors concerning income and wealth-building is an all-too-common roadblock to happiness: how to address it and live the life you truly want.


It's Time to Stop Emphasizing Defense and Start Playing Offense

Particularly in the multi-unit franchise sector, now's the time for owners keen to break out of a pandemic rut to get dynamic, positive and proactive.

Thought Leaders

Change the Way You Speak to Shift Your Mindset and Unlock Your Potential

Eliminating or reducing the use of just a few key words and phrases, and substituting better ones, can have an enormous impact on yourself, your staff and your bottom line.

Thought Leaders

Choose Your Story, Change Your Business

The pathways, both conscious and subconscious, form our personal and business stories.

Growing a Business

Do You Have a Love/Hate Relationship With Goals?

Set achievement benchmarks without setting yourself up for disappointment.