Publicity: Page 8

Business News

How to Develop a Top-Notch PR Plan

It's a great resource to have and to use as a guide; it will help you strategize, implement and map out your PR efforts so you're never left clueless on what the next steps are.

Business News

5 Things You Must Do to Survive a PR Disaster

Your brand can make it through a crisis with relatively little injury if you're truly prepared for it.

Business News

3 Ways to Expand Your Content's Reach

Here are three tips to optimize your online PR content for greater reach, readership and results.


5 Tips on How to Pitch Your Startup to Get the Press You Need

Journalists from the prominent tech pubs Mashable, ReWrite, TheNextWeb and Next Vibes offer valuable advice.

Business News

5 Tools Every PR Pro Should Be Using to Measure Storytelling Efforts

Though media relations and other PR strategies have always contained elements of storytelling, the rise of content marketing and brand journalism means communicators must craft tales that their audiences want to read if they want to stay relevant and gain public favor.

Business News

3 SEO Tips to Help Your PR Content Rank Highly With Google's Latest Update

Google's latest rollout continues the company's commitment to rewarding high-quality, user-focused content with higher rankings.

Thought Leaders

Donald Trump Can Get Away With It, But You Can't

The tale of a local diner owner who sought local elected office, and the dangers he faced with his business.


How to Do PR on the Cheap

The digital world has opened up a whole new world of marketing when you have a shoestring budget.

Operations & Logistics

4 PR Strategies You Should Be Using Right Now

While 2015 may not exactly resemble the world of flying cars, there is no argument that wide advances in technology have dramatically shifted how businesses communicate.

Operations & Logistics

6 Ways to Bootstrap the PR Your Startup Needs But Can't Afford

No matter how great your idea, it's going nowhere until people have heard about.

Operations & Logistics

4 Alternative Metrics to Evaluate Your PR Campaign's Success

We've moved oh so far since the days of limited information about PR placements.


33 Tips to Help You Ace a Media Interview (Infographic)

Dispel nerves and put your best foot forward when getting face time with reporters.

Operations & Logistics

Hack PR for Your Startup With These 5 Tools

Creative publicity tricks will empower you to gain the exposure your company needs.


4 Tips on Nailing an Interview With a Reporter

Scoring an interview with a top-tier reporter is a big step in an entrepreneur's journey. But it can be a wasted opportunity without proper preparation.

Operations & Logistics

3 Secret PR Weapons To Help Build Your Brand

Whether you are a business of five people or a Fortune 50 company, you need to know how tell your story the right way, at the right time, to the right people.