Savings: Page 4

Business News

You "Cubicle Copied" Your Retirement Plan? Yikes! Why That's a Big Mistake

It's so easy, so tempting to lean over and say to your office buddy, "What box did you check on the retirement forms?" But is it the best idea? Not at...

Business News

Getting Ready to Retire? Check These Things First

Before you crash down your boss' door with your retirement announcement, consider doing your homework first. You don't want to get overeager without d...

Science & Technology

5 Simple Ways Your Business Can Save Money on Technology

Is it possible to save money on business tech without compromising growth? Absolutely.

Business News

Best Ways to Generate Tax-Free Income in Retirement: Think About This Stuff Now

Nobody wants to pay taxes on hard-earned income in retirement, including you. Here's what you can do to sidestep paying taxes in retirement.

Business News

Sluggish on Saving for Retirement as a GenXer? Take This Approach

GenXers, do you have the recommended amount saved for retirement? You might be just shy of that goal, so let's do a quick check. Also, learn more abou...

Money & Finance

7 Financial Strategies for Business Owners Who Want to Live the Good Life

Working for yourself? These strategies will bring you financial freedom so you can run a thriving business while still doing the things you love.

Business News

4 Things You Need to Think About Before You Retire Early

Defining "early retirement" might seem ultra subjective, but you can use Medicare as a baseline. The government also considers early retirement as any age earlier than 65, when Medicare benefits kick in.

Science & Technology

Your Cell Phone Expenses Don't Have to Put You in the Red&#8212Boost Mobile Can Help

Boost Mobile is offering a can't miss deal.

Business News

A Single Mom Who Saved $750,000 in 4 Years Shares the Biggest Mistakes She Made on Her Journey to Financial Independence

After getting divorced, Lakisha Simmons realized she wasn't saving enough for retirement.


Embedded Finance Is Instrumental In Organizations Delivering Higher Value To Customers

In simple terms, embedded finance is the amalgamation of providing financial services along with a product or service that an organization is already providing to its customers


Save Today For a Secure Tomorrow

Even though the avenues available to people for saving have evolved, what has remained constant is the importance and benefits of saving

Business News

This is How Saving Habits Have Changed Since the Start of the Pandemic

A new survey finds that people are avoiding using cash and more likely to put money away.

Money & Finance

4 Ways to Save for Retirement Without a 401(k)

Using a tax-advantaged retirement account, especially when you're self-employed, is one of the best ways to make sure you have a secure financial future.


5 Actionable Steps to Pave Your Way To Financial Freedom

Discover five ways to free your finances. It's time to create your financial blueprint, and start taking steps today to achieve it


3 Reasons Why You Must Start Young & Plan Early for Financial Freedom

Entrepreneur Allan Hu shares that being money-savvy from a young age and staying focused on your financial goals is essential to attain financial freedom early in life