Science: Page 10


Watch KFC Launch a Chicken Sandwich Into Space

'You can imagine when we first heard about flying a chicken sandwich to space, we thought it was hilarious,' says World View CEO Jane Poytner.


Apparently, a Geek Index Is a Thing That Exists

Researchers can chart exactly how geeky you are.


Scientists Found a Way to Charge Your Smartphone With Urine

Now that's innovation at its finest.


Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson Launches Kickstarter for Video Game

'Space Odyssey' players will terraform planets, build colonies and embark on missions.


These Inspiring Teen Girls Invented a Solar-Powered Housing Solution for the Homeless -- Now They Are Presenting Their Work at MIT

A dozen young Latina scientists used innovation and ingenuity to help those in need.

Business News

This Weird Tip Can Help You Clear Your Mind

Start with a literal clean slate.


If You're Open Minded, Research Says You Might Do This

A new study finds that this trait lets you perceive more than one thing at a time.

Business News

NASA Preps to 'Touch' the Sun With Parker Solar Probe

NASA's Parker Solar Probe is scheduled to depart Earth next summer and make its way to the sun's atmosphere, the corona, about 4 million miles from its surface.


Stephen Hawking Says We Have 100 Years to Inhabit Another Planet

Should we just start planning now?


11 Startups Taking Advantage of Business Opportunities in Space

From 3D printed rockets to inflatable habitats, these companies are pushing humanity further out in the cosmos.

Business News

Explore the World With Google Earth's New 'Voyager' Feature

The real star of the new Google Earth, now on Chrome and Android, is Voyager, which the company calls 'a showcase of interactive guided tours.'


New Study Reveals Why Sleep Deprivation Makes People More Forgetful

If you're not getting a full night of rest, then your memory is going to pay for it.


Why Even Space Startups Insist Sales Are More Important Than Technology

It doesn't matter how great your product is -- if you can't sell it, you'll never be able to make it.

Thought Leaders

Study Shows Entrepreneurs Really Do Love Their Businesses Like Their Children

Brain scans reveal it's not just a figure of a speech.