Technology: Page 8


Meta Unveils Plan To Tack Misinformation During Lok Sabha Elections

Meta, has launched a "comprehensive approach" to prevent voter manipulation, reduce false information, and boost accountability and transparency on its platform ahead of the Lok Sabha elections.

Business Solutions

Quickly Create eBooks and Earn Money Online with This $25 AI Tool

Accomplish more in your eBook efforts while investing less time and energy.


AI is the Antithesis of Authenticity — But There's Hope. Here's How We Can Align Our Human Values with AI.

Everyone's talking about AI. There's excitement, fear, apprehension and confusion. So, how should you use it for your business? It's really a question of brand values.


Add a New Content Creation Tool to Your Team's Arsenal for $150

This pen camera is capable of taking full HD videos and storing them for up to 24 hours.

Growing a Business

The Only Drawback of AI Is Your Attitude. Here Are 4 Things You Need to Change Your Outlook — And Harness AI for Success.

To truly keep innovating, businesses cannot stay away from AI integration. A visionary C-suite leader must follow a couple of cautious steps to truly reap the benefits of Gen AI. Let's decode!


Nextdoor's CMO Says Small Businesses Are Underutilizing One Critical Tool That Could Propel Their Marketing Efforts

Small businesses that stand to realize major leaps with the advent of this incredible technology, particularly in their marketing strategies

Business Solutions

Save $360 on This Bundle Featuring Windows 11 Pro and Office Pro 2019 Through March 24

Pair proven Microsoft products for a fraction of the cost.

Data & Recovery

Protect Your Work PC with This $20 Antivirus Software

It offers multilayered proactive protection against viruses, ransomware, malware, and more.

Science & Technology

How to Keep Yourself Relevant in the Age of AI

As AI reaches further into our lives, what can you bring to the table that technology cannot replicate? The new book "The Wolf Is At The Door" offers a whole new way to look at the AI revolution.


Get a Wireless Car Display for Less Than $79 with Free Shipping Through March 31

This display is compatible with Apple CarPlay and Android Auto, plus it supports phone mirroring.

News and Trends

Apple To Collaborate with Google and bring Gemini AI features to iPhones

Apple and Google are actively negotiating to employ Gemini to power some of the generative AI features coming to iPhones this year. With its previous history of controversy, Google's Gemini chatbot may face significant changes as a result of the arrangement with Apple.

Science & Technology

Throttled Connectivity: Is Your ISP Conspiring Against You Online?

Given that the internet service provider marketplace is a competitive one, why would companies jeopardize their customer relationships by actively slowing connections down?

Business Solutions

Generate Images, Text, and More with This $44.97 AI Toolset

On sale with code TAKE5.

Science & Technology

6 Ways AI Is Revolutionizing Startup Ecosystems

Here's how AI is transforming the startup landscape — and how you can leverage AI to gain a competitive advantage and fuel long-term growth.

Business Solutions

Improve Your OS with $170 Savings on Microsoft Windows 11 Pro Through March 24

Don't miss this opportunity to upgrade at a great value.