Viral Marketing: Page 3


This Viral Marketing Video Reached 250 Million Views in Just 48 Hours

The creators behind some of the most viral videos online explain how you can make your own marketing videos just as sensational.

Social Media

How 3 Social Superstars Built Huge Followings Fast

Build an audience of millions in record time with these secrets.


How to Be Like Banksy and Reap Massive Exposure Through Guerilla Marketing

The street artist's actionable guerilla marketing tactics have generated him worldwide appeal and fame.

Science & Technology

A Flying Food Tray That Follows You Wherever You Go? Sure. Why Not.

Red Sox slugger David Ortiz wants you to check out his jerky drone.


4 Things You Can Learn About Marketing from Pokemon Go

Want to make your app or business idea go as viral as Pokemon Go? Here's how


10 Insider Secrets From App Empires

Building apps isn't intimidating when you learn from the best and use their blueprints to make your big idea a reality.

Social Media

You've Already Granted Facebook to All Your Content: But Here's What You Should Worry About

Did you know what permissions you've already granted to Facebook that cannot be revoked now?


What You Can Learn From the Viral Shenanigans of Last Week Tonight With John Oliver

The funny weekly news show takes serious, potentially dry subjects and turns them into viral video juggernauts


What Gets Shared Online? Depends How You See It.

Research shows that whether you'll share an article or video depends on whether you found or received it.


How to Create Stellar Content Your Audience Will Love to Share

There's more ways than ever to drive traffic to your company, but in a saturated social media environment quality is key.


3 Millennial Marketing Tips From Taylor Swift

Fans don't just buy a concert ticket from Taylor Swift; they buy into her world.

Social Media

The Paradox of What Makes Something Go Viral

Trying to figure out the recipe for content that goes wild on the Internet is sort of like trying to figure out how to be most popular kid in school. Trying makes it less likely.


Six Tips For Companies Who Want To Create Viral Content

The new frontier of marketing is in creating branded content that isn't designed to be overtly promotional, but instead can stand on its own merits.


5 Lessons Learned From Bud Light's 'Up for Whatever' and Always' 'Like a Girl' Campaigns

Here's how to use fun interaction and deep emotional connection like these companies did with their wildly successful experimental marketing attempts.


You Don't Have to Be Patti LaBelle to Score a Viral Product Review Video

James Wright Chanel's hilarious YouTube review of Patti LaBelle's Sweet Potato Pies caused a sell-out of the product at Walmart. Here's how it could happen to you.