William Shatner


Elon Musk tuvo algunas (sorprendentemente amables) palabras para William Shatner antes del vuelo espacial

Shatner se convirtió en la persona de mayor edad en llegar al espacio el miércoles.

Business News

William Shatner Moved to Tears After Trip to Space: 'I Hope I Never Recover From This'

The 90-year-old became the oldest person to travel to outer space.


William Shatner se trasladó a las lágrimas después de un viaje al espacio: 'Espero no recuperarme nunca de esto'

El hombre de 90 años se convirtió en la persona de mayor edad en viajar al espacio exterior.

Business News

William Shatner's Blue Origin Space Mission Delayed

Shatner was slated to depart Earth on Tuesday.

Business News

William Shatner to Go to Space

At 90 years old, he'll be the oldest person to go into orbit.

Cryptocurrency / Blockchain

3 Celebs Jumping on the Bitcoin Bandwagon (and One Who Says She's an 'Idiot' for Missing It)

Bitcoin isn't just for 'cyber snobs' anymore. Tech-happy stars are riding the trendy Bitcoin wave, too.