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Side Hustle

This Young Professional Left Her Job in Finance After Her Remote Side Hustle Took Off and Made $76,000: 'My Idea Solves a Universal Problem'

Ruta Drungilaite got creative during the pandemic lockdowns — and stumbled upon a lucrative business opportunity.

Real Estate

How to Identify Strong Real Estate Markets for Your Next Investment

Discover how to identify the best markets for your real estate investments. Learn the essentials of rental demand, economic stability and neighborhood development plans for maximum returns and growth.

Business News

There Are New Rules for 'Buy Now, Pay Later' Programs — Here's What to Know

Paypal, Affirm, and Klarna are just a few companies affected by the new protections.

Side Hustle

These Brothers Had 'No Income' When They Started a 'Low-Risk, High-Reward' Side Hustle to Chase a Big Dream — Now They've Surpassed $50 Million in Revenue

Sam Lewkowict, co-founder and CEO of men's grooming brand Black Wolf Nation, knows what it takes to harness the power of side gig for success.

Money & Finance

These 10 Colleges Prepare Students for Lucrative Careers in AI — Churning Out Graduates With $100,000+ Salaries and 100% Employability, New Report Reveals

The average starting salary for a college graduate is about $58,862, but pursuing a computer science-related degree can change that.

Side Hustle

The Side Hustle He Started at Age 15 Led to a $4 Billion Boon for Small Businesses: 'They Would Take a Chance on Me With Their Hard-Earned Money'

Nic Beique asked his local barber, gym and more if they'd like him to build a website for their businesses.

Side Hustle

Should You Tell Your Employer About Your Side Hustle? This One Non-Negotiable Step Will Reveal the Answer, Expert Says.

By definition, a side hustle takes place in addition to (and likely completely outside of) a 9-5 — but that doesn't always mean it should stay a secret.

Starting a Business

How Much Capital Does Your Startup Need? Here Are 7 Key Factors to Consider.

Here's what you need to assess when determining the amount of capital your startup needs — and how adequate funding can enhance your chances of success.

Side Hustle

These Coworkers-Turned-Friends Started a Side Hustle on Amazon — Now It's a 'Full Hustle' Earning Over $20 Million a Year: 'Jump in With Both Feet'

Achal Patel and Russell Gong met at a large consulting firm and "bonded over a shared vision to create a mission-led company."