Growing a Business - Page 10

Ready for your business to see some serious growth? From marketing strategies to culture tips, here's everything you need to know to make it happen.

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I've Negotiated High-Pressure, Multi-Million-Dollar Deals for Artists Like Bruno Mars and Enrique Iglesias — Here's the Strategy That Always Helps Me Win

Lylette Pizarro, founder and co-managing partner of Influence Media Partners, reveals what it takes to succeed in the dynamic music industry and beyond.


3 Steps to Prime Your Brain for a Growth Mindset

Take these three steps to cultivate a growth mindset and enhance your happiness and success.

Side Hustle

These College Friends Started a 'Fun' Side Hustle That Landed Them on 'Shark Tank'— Now the Idea Is Helping Dozens Make Extra Cash: 'Start Saying Yes'

Jess Blakley and Willow Sprague brainstormed a business that would allow them to hang out more — but it turned into something much bigger.

Growing a Business

6 Game-Changing Skills, From Leaders Who Underestimated Them

These business leaders never imagined how important these skills would be.


Studies Show Women Need Each Other's Support to Reach Maximum Success — and I've Experienced This Firsthand. Here's How.

Research shows women who have a close knit group of women to lean on make more money, get access to coveted opportunities and overall experience greater success in their careers. Reflecting on these findings has prompted me to share insights into how I manage my own women's network and how we empower one another to achieve remarkable growth personally and professionally.

Starting a Business

Ask Co-Founder of Netflix Marc Randolph Anything: How to Watch

How to watch the new live streaming episode of 'Ask Marc' on May 9th at 2 PM ET.


What I Learned From Spending $5.9 Million on Marketing Last Year

Road-tested tips to 6X your revenue per lead, double your social media leads and increase sales conversations. I know because I lived it!

Starting a Business

How to Navigate Today's Complex Entrepreneurial Landscape — 4 Strategies for Success

How to navigate today's fertile yet complex entrepreneurial environment and find a scalable, sustainable business idea that resonates with your vision and aligns with shifting consumer preferences.


4 Ways Brands Can Use Influencers for Better Sales This Summer

The power of influencer marketing is unquestionable. It is projected to hit around $21 billion in 2024 and is no longer optional but inevitable for brands aiming to grow and capture new audiences.

Starting a Business

This Mother and Daughter Were 'Kind of Fringe Weirdos' When They Started an Uncommon Business in Their Garage. Now They're in Major Retailers — and Victoria Beckham Is a Fan.

Jenefer and Melissa Palmer's slow-and-steady approach to growth helped their skincare and body care brand OSEA thrive over decades — but lately they've been taking things up a notch.


Location Is Everything — Especially in Franchising. These Are the Territory Rules You Need to Know.

In the franchising world, one of the most significant business model decisions you'll make is whether to buy a location-based brick-and-mortar brand or a service-based brand. Based on this decision, the rules around franchise territories change. Here's what you need to know.