Priya Kapoor

Former Feature Editor

Priya holds more than a decade of experience in journalism. She has worked on various beats and was chosen as a Road Safety Fellow in 2018, wherein she produced many in-depth & insightful features on road crashes in India. She writes on startups, personal finance and Web3. Outside of work, she likes gardening, driving and reading. 





News and Trends

The Game Changer Of Fine Jewellery: Ishendra Agarwal, Co-founder, Giva

The company, which recently opened its 100th exclusive outlet, has also made inroads into overseas markets with its first international store in Sri Lanka


Money Manager: Ashish Kashyap, Founder, INDMoney

The company also provides a diverse set of investment solutions ranging from Indian Stocks, US Stocks, Mutual Funds, NPS etc


Insurance Simplifier: Dhirendra Mahyavanshi, CEO and Co-founder, Turtlemint

The company aims to broaden its range of products and expand its partnerships with enterprises in India and in Middle East and Southeast Asia


Business Spend Simplifier: Raj Narayanam, Founder, Zaggle

Though many FinTech players in India are increasing their focus on employee oriented services as this segment is easy to acquire & retain at lower cost, Narayanam feels Zaggle has the first mover advantage in this segment


The Trusted Compliance Partner: Archit Gupta, Founder and CEO, Clear

In its commitment to simplifying complex finance operations, especially electronic invoicing (as an official IRP, the company manages e-invoicing requirements across enterprise segments), Clear has expanded to the Middle East as well, particularly in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)


How Enterprises Can Combat Cyberisks and Deploy Advanced Technologies

Besides nation-state attacks, entreprises are today facing a host of other cyberisks including global non-state cyber risks, breaches, repeat breaches, time to recover and cybersecurity regulatory changes.

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