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When Dad Says, 'I'm Proud That You're Living Your Dream' Entrepreneur Benji Markoff shares some powerful moments with his dad, who happens to be a business owner himself.

Being an entrepreneur is a tough gig. It requires hard work and long hours. It's exhausting. Yet it also couldn't be more rewarding.

No one knows this better than entrepreneur Benji Markoff, who started Founder Shield, which helps startups choose and purchase insurance plans. But Markoff had a fair amount of insight into what it takes to be a business owner. His father and grandfather were entrepreneurs before him.

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Markoff recalls a conversation he had with his dad about a year after Founder Shield launched: "He called me out of the blue and said, "I just want to let you to know that I'm really proud of you, and 100 percent supportive of you living out this dream. We think you're going to do an amazing job, and you already are.'"

Wow. Talk about a meaningful moment in the life of an entrepreneur.

Markoff shares more about his relationship with his father in the short video above.