AJ Agrawal: Page 2

Founder of Verma Media

AJ Agrawal is the founder of Verma Media, a marketing agency that focuses on emerging tech, like blockchain and AI, and on cannabis companies.

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Latest: Page 2

Business News

The 'Amazon Effect': How Ecommerce Will Change in 2019 and Beyond

The Amazon Effect is real, but it doesn't mean that Amazon is the only ecommerce player that will matter in 2019.

Health & Wellness

You're Busy, Busy, Busy, Right? Here are 3 Mental Health Tips You Probably Need. Now.

You might think that 'mental health' doesn't deserve your time during these hectic holiday weeks. You'd be wrong.

Cryptocurrency / Blockchain

Block Isn't Even Remotely Dead: Instead, It's Tokenizing the Sharing Economy Using Utility Tokens

Crypto may be tanking right now, but blockchain technology has huge potential overall. It's going to be interesting to see what the world ends up using it for.

Business News

The Latest Tech, From AI to Blockchain, Is Changing Health Care: Are You Ready?

Next time you need to talk to your doctor, that exchange just may occur via Skype.

Cryptocurrency / Blockchain

Why Your Business Assets Belong on the Blockchain

Blockchain's immutable and decentralized ledger is the perfect framework for the wide range of companies looking to take asset management to the next level.

Money & Finance

4 Top Reasons Your ICO Won't Get Funded in 2019

The days of the quick crypto-buck are over, but if you proceed carefully, you can still find the investment you need.