Andrea Huspeni: Page 12

Founder of This Dog's Life

Andrea Huspeni is the former special projects director at and the founder of This Dog's Life.

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Latest: Page 12

Thought Leaders

Opportunity Is Knocking: Announcing a Contest for Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs, here is your opportunity to shine. Apply for the Empact Showcase and have the chance to be featured in Entrepreneur's annual 'Top 30 Startups to Watch' list.


Have a Burning Business Question? Ask the Expert: Taryn Langer.

For our Ask the Expert series, public-relations expert Taryn Langer is looking to answer your questions about PR, storytelling, branding and social media.


The Secrets to Building a Powerful Personal Brand

In this Google Hangout, we'll discuss all there is to know about personal branding -- from simple ways to build up your identity to what to avoid and how to stand out.


Have a Burning Business Question? Ask the Expert: Joanna Lord.

Working at a company focused on providing loyalty programs to big-name companies like Microsoft and Pepsi, Joanna Lord knows a thing or two about marketing. And for this month only, this CMO is looking to take entrepreneurs' questions about marketing and branding.

Thought Leaders

Have a Burning Business Question? Ask the Expert: Doug Wolf.

Attorney Doug Wolf wants to answer your big startup questions about trademarks, copyright, due diligence and working with venture groups.

Social Media

Cheezburger Founder Ben Huh and the Importance of Making Smaller Bets

The founder and CEO of Cheezburger talks to about rebounding and lessons learned.