Andrea Huspeni: Page 2

Founder of This Dog's Life

Andrea Huspeni is the former special projects director at and the founder of This Dog's Life.

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Business News

What Entrepreneurs Are Betting On in the Pet World in the Next Few Years

Here's a recap of the Global Pet Expo, including what I saw, what I hated and what I think owners will see in the coming years.

Thought Leaders

This Health Food Entrepreneur Uses An Age-Old Method for Staying Organized and Motivated

With all the technology around us, sometimes the best way to cut through the noise is to get back to the basics.


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Starting a Business

This Company Took a Huge Risk When It Opened Its $30 Million Collaborative Space

When it opened its door, community space New Lab wasn't filled to capacity.

Starting a Business

How Risking It All Helped This Entrepreneur Find Success

The co-founder of Farmshelf explains how he only had one shot to make it work.

Thought Leaders

Getting the Most Out of a Collaborative Office Space

You paid the monthly fee to rent a desk, so make sure you make the most of shared office spaces.