Andrew Medal: Page 10

Entrepreneur & Angel Investor

Andrew Medal is the founder of The Paper Chase, which is a bi-weekly newsletter. He is an entrepreneur and angel investor.

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Business News

How Augmented Reality Is Going to Transform Ecommerce

Amazon and Apple are stepping up their AR efforts. You should be too.

Health & Wellness

How Augmented Reality Can Help You Achieve Your Fitness Goals

Take advantage of the latest and the greatest in AR to help you reach your next fitness goal.

Personal Finance

10 Pieces of Financial Advice I Wish I Knew in My 20s

Being smart with cash in your 20s will pay off big time for the rest of your life.


Why Social Impact Is the Only KPI That Should Matter for Entrepreneurs

And why social interactions, lead conversions, lifetime value and any of the other growth metrics don't really matter.


Why Going Cheap on Your Branding Is One of the Worst Mistakes You Can Make

Going cheap on your brand development could not only lead to a disconnect with potential customers, but could also result in your company shutting its doors as a result of low sales.

Growing a Business

6 Elements of a Million-Dollar Brand

It takes a lot of effort to make your company look like a winner.