Andrew Osterland: Page 11

Andrew Osterland is a contributing writer for He specializes in capital markets, personal finance and taxes.

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Latest: Page 11

Thought Leaders

Facebook, Amazon, Netflix and Google Were Among Today's Biggest Losers

The FANG stocks were down today despite strong performances this year.

Thought Leaders

The Stock Market Is Still Looking for a Bottom

A day after an encouraging rally briefly stemmed the waves of selling, the markets were down again today.

Thought Leaders

Twitter's Stock Price Jumped 15 Percent Today. Here's Why.

The tech company reported its third-quarter earnings and helped lead a rebound for the Entrepreneur Index™.

Thought Leaders

Netflix, Facebook and Amazon Share Prices All Fell by 5 Percent (at Least) Today

Here are some stock trends from the Entrepreneur Index™.

Thought Leaders

Tesla Is Destroying the Competition, and It Means Massive Stock Gains

Elon Musk gets the upper hand on short-sellers.

Thought Leaders

Ralph Lauren Posted the Biggest Gain on the Entrepreneur Index™ Today

Clothing makers and tech stocks were up on Monday.