Ariel Shapira: Page 4


Ariel Shapira is a father, entrepreneur, writer and speaker.

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Science & Technology

With Rising Costs and Vendor Lock-Ins, Is a Cloud Exodus in the Making?

Public cloud hosting has become the unofficial business standard, but it comes with a steep price.

Science & Technology

How the Pandemic Rapidly Transformed the Slow-Moving Telco Industry

Like so many industries, those focused on telecommunications had to adapt -- and quickly -- to changing circumstances and consumer expectations.


Cómo la pandemia transformó rápidamente la lenta industria de las telecomunicaciones

Como tantas industrias, las que se centran en las telecomunicaciones tuvieron que adaptarse, y rápidamente, a las circunstancias cambiantes y las expectativas de los consumidores.

Science & Technology

How Decentralized Can the Internet Get?

Currently, just four companies -- including Google, Amazon and Microsoft -- control 67% of the server centers powering the apps and services you use every day.


¿Qué grado de descentralización puede alcanzar Internet?

Actualmente, solo cuatro empresas, incluidas Google, Amazon y Microsoft, controlan el 67% de los centros de servidores que alimentan las aplicaciones y los servicios que usa todos los días.

Science & Technology

Will Stores Without Cashiers Become Our New Reality?

Hybrid shopping models implemented by Amazon reveal what a future without cashiers looks like.