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Business News

Adaswap Launches Cardano Defi Ecosystem, And Itay Levy Helping Us Understand What The Road Forward Will Look Like

Blockchain-based technology is nothing new, as digital assets become ever so mainstream with the advent of decentralized software, technology and transactions. With interest in the market experiencing a major boom...

Business News

Ford Is Aiming At 2 Million Electric Cars A Year And 10% Operating Profit

Ford Motor Company (NYSE:F) is betting hard on e-transport and has set sights on producing 2 million electric vehicles (EV) a year and a 10% adjusted operating profit margin in...

Business News

UniX Gaming CEO, Mirko Basil Showcases The Frugality Of Play-To-Earn Gaming With Metaverse Platforms

Play-to-earn gaming has silently revolutionized the entire gaming industry, allowing gamers and users an opportunity to put their skills to the test to receive real-life winnings. While traditional gaming has...

Business News

Netflix Defies Russian Law And Refuses To Air State Channels

In a bold move by the streaming giant, Netflix Inc (NASDAQ:NFLX) has refused to add propaganda channels in Russia, citing "the current situation," namely the Ukraine invasion. To continue operating...

Business News

The Global Crypto Community Is Almost Unanimous In Its Support For Ukraine

Crypto enthusiasts have donated millions of dollars in virtual currency in support of Ukrainian groups since the invasion of Russia in the country on February 24. Q4 2021 hedge fund...

Business News

Shell To Follow BP Steps And Exit Russia – Gazprom Deal Off

Sanctions imposed by the world's leading economies on Russia amid the Ukraine invasion are triggering an exodus of some of the biggest energy companies. The latest name on the list...