Dan S. Kennedy: Page 4

Author, Strategic Advisor, Consultant, and Business Coach

DAN S. KENNEDY is a strategic advisor, consultant, business coach, and author of the popular No B.S. book series. He directly influences more than one million business owners annually. 

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Latest: Page 4


4 Ways to Make Sure Your Workers Are Actually Working

American companies spend more than $750 billion paying people for work they're not doing. Use these four easy strategies to improve productivity.


Are Your Financial Managers Killing Your Business?

Find out why one management expert believes your 'bean counters' are sapping the life -- and sales -- out of your business.


Hire Slow, Fire Fast

Hiring the right employees and keeping them on board is the secret to a successful business. Find out how to do it.


Why You Need Backup Employees

You should have a replacement waiting in the wings, even for the star employee you love.


What Do Your Employees Really Cost You?

Here's how to figure out the true cost of an employee, according to one business expert.


The 2-Step Process for Excellent Customer Service

Implement this system to get customers raving about your business.