David Meltzer: Page 15

Co-Founder of Sports 1 Marketing, Speaker, Author and Business Coach

David Meltzer, co-founder of Sports 1 Marketing and host of Entrepreneur's podcast, “The Playbook”, is a Top 100 Business Coach, global public speaker and three-time international best-selling author who has been honored by Variety as “Sports Humanitarian of the Year”.

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Latest: Page 15

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What It Means to Be a Neutral Thinker

Trevor Moawad, Co-founder and CEO of Limitless Minds, provides insights on the relationship between behavior, mindset and performance.


Don't Party With Your Ego

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Social Media

This Facebook Ads Strategist Answers the 3 Commonly Asked Questions

I sat down with Chris Chung of Locate 852 to learn about ad strategy on the popular social media platform.

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This Backup Quarterback Prepares Himself for Any Opportunity, and Now It's Paying Off

Kyle Allen, the 23 year-old NFL quarterback for the Carolina Panthers, shares insights on how he prepares himself to make the most of the chances he's given.


How to Build a Business That Feels Like a Family

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Health & Wellness

Working Your Way Up in Sports Media

This sports anchor and radio host shares his thoughts on the evolution of new media and how to capture an audience's attention.