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Business News

Different Calendars Humans Have Used Throughout History

Calendars have always been essential in our world — and right now is no different. The Calendar is essential to almost everything we do in life. Every appointment and every...

Business News

How to Survive 'Maycember'

Are you a parent? If so, I don't have to remind you how chaotic the month of May can be. With end-of-year parties, proms, sports banquets, last-minute school projects, recitals,...

Business News

5 Ways EdTech is Facilitating Efficient Innovation for Teams

Just over 30 years ago, the development of web-based learning management systems became a new form of textual communication, using education technology as an influential way to approach teaching and...

Business News

Spring Cleaning Tips for Your Workspace

Even though it's officially been Spring for a couple of weeks now, it's really starting to feel like it. The sun is brighter. The temperature is rising. And everything from...

Business News

Manage Your Time with a Combination of Digital and Paper Calendars

When it comes to time management, 88% of people don't use a proper system. Instead, they use a paper and digital calendar, an email inbox, and a to-do list. There's...

Business News

Make Your Home More Energy-Efficient with Your Calendar

It's 2023, people! With all the new, energy-efficient technology out, it's easier than ever to be ecologically conscious. That doesn't mean you have to go out and buy an electric...