Diana Ransom: Page 2

Diana Ransom is the former deputy editor of Entrepreneur.com.

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Business News

Jack Dorsey on Launching Twitter and His Top Advice for Young Treps

The social-media site that's found its way into practically every entrepreneurs' toolkit recently turned seven. Here, we chat with the site's co-founder and get his best tips for newbie founders.

Business News

Biggest Mistakes: Why Birchbox Says Timing Is Everything

When the grooming-products subscription service went looking for funding, it may have been too soon, says co-founder Katia Beauchamp. Here's a better strategy.

Business News

Happy Birthday Twitter: Jack Dorsey on the Ubiquitous Site and His Top Advice for Young Treps

The social-media site that's found its way into practically every entrepreneurs' toolkit turns 7 years old today. Here, we chat with the site's co-founder and get his best tips for newbie founders.

Business News

Millennials and Money: A Look at How Young People Shop and Spend in America (Infographic)

Young people tend to shop more than their older counterparts, and they use technology as they shop in greater numbers too. Here, check out other striking stats on millennials' shopping habits.

Business News

Biggest Mistakes: How Ginger + Liz Learned to Play Nice With Vendors

When the nail-polish making duo Ginger Johnson and Liz Pickett began their production efforts, finding the right vendors to work with was easier said than done. Here's why having a plan B can mean all the difference.

Starting a Business

Can You Afford to Quit Your Day Job?

How to determine if you can afford to work on your startup full-time.