Geoff Weiss: Page 3

Former Staff Writer

Geoff Weiss is a former staff writer at

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Latest: Page 3

Business News

Video Containing Allegations Dan Price Abused His Ex-Wife Won't Publish and Has Been Deleted

The University of Kentucky, which hosted the TEDx talk in question last October, says it made its decision after being contacted by Price's representatives.


Employees Accidentally Trash $5 Million in Diamonds at Fifth Avenue Jewelry Store

The precious stones then ended up in the hands of a security guard, who then tried to make a buck, police allege.


How a Small-Time Texan Plumber's Truck Ended Up in the Hands of Syrian Extremists

Texas resident Mark Oberholtzer has filed a $1 million suit, citing 'shock, fear, anxiety, mental anguish, humiliation and degradation.'

Business News

Houston Energy Company Gives $100,000 Bonuses to Each of Its 1,381 Employees

As the company aims to double in size every five years, it offers team members increasingly lofty incentives.

Social Media

YouTube Looks Back at the Year's Biggest Memes, Music and Moments in Epic 'Rewind' Video

This year's compilation is themed 'Rewind Replay,' and shines a spotlight on the platform's Mexican creator community.


There's a Hilariously Embarrassing Error in Lord & Taylor's Latest Ad

A good copy editor is a beautiful thing -- especially in the realm of foreign languages.